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John Buchan (Tweedsmuireko 1. baroia)

Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea
John Buchan (Tweedsmuireko 1. baroia)

Kanadako gobernadore nagusia

1935eko azaroaren 2a - 1940ko otsailaren 11
Vere Ponsonby, 9th Earl of Bessborough (en) Itzuli - Alexander Cambridge
Erresuma Batuko 36. Parlamentuko kidea

1931ko urriaren 27a - 1935eko maiatzaren 22a
Barrutia: Combined Scottish Universities (en) Itzuli
Hautetsia: 1931 United Kingdom general election (en) Itzuli
Erresuma Batuko 35. Parlamentuko kidea

1929ko maiatzaren 30a - 1931ko urriaren 7a
Barrutia: Combined Scottish Universities (en) Itzuli
Hautetsia: 1929 United Kingdom general election (en) Itzuli
Erresuma Batuko 34. Parlamentuko kidea

1927ko apirilaren 29a - 1929ko maiatzaren 10a
Barrutia: Combined Scottish Universities (en) Itzuli
Hautetsia: 1927 Combined Scottish Universities by-election (en) Itzuli
Lorden Ganberako kidea

Erresuma Batuko Kontseilu Pribatuko kidea

JaiotzaPerth1875eko abuztuaren 26a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaMontreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (en) Itzuli1940ko otsailaren 11 (64 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaOxfordshire
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza: garuneko odoljarioa
AitaJohn Buchan
AmaHelen Jane Masterson
Ezkontidea(k)Susan Buchan, Baroness Tweedsmuir (en) Itzuli  (1907ko uztailaren 15a -
HeziketaBrasenose College (en) Itzuli
Hutchesons' Grammar School (en) Itzuli
Glasgowko Unibertsitatea
Kirkcaldy High School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakkazetaria, politikaria, eleberrigilea, idazlea, gidoilaria, militarra, biografoa, zientzia-fikzio idazlea, poeta, barristerra eta diplomazialaria
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaScottish History Society (en) Itzuli
Zerbitzu militarra
Adar militarraBritainia Handiko Armada
Parte hartutako gatazkakLehen Mundu Gerra
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoaUnionist Party (en) Itzuli

IMDB: nm0117955 Musicbrainz: c7677deb-0097-4aa9-962c-ce261e6eb5cd Find a Grave: 14787990 Edit the value on Wikidata

John Buchan, Tweedsmuireko 1. Baroia (Perth, 1875eko abuztuaren 26a - Montreal, 1940ko otsailaren 11) eskoziar eleberrigile, historialari eta politikaria izan zen. Kanadako 15. Gobernadore Orokorra izan zen. Britainia Handiko administrazio kolonialeko funtzionarioa izan zen Hego Afrikan. Londresera itzuli zenean, Spectator egunkariaren editorea izan zen. 1910ean idatzi zuen bere lehen eleberria, Afrikan oinarritua. 1911n Eskoziako Alderdi Unionistaren hautagaia izan zen hauteskundeetan. Lehen Mundu Gerran The Times egunkariko berriemailea izan zen Frantzian. 1915ean The Thirty-Nine Steps argitaratu zuen, bere lanik ospetsuena. 1916an Mendebaldeko Frontera bidali zuten inteligentzia zerbitzuko kide gisa. 1927an parlamentuko kide hautatu zuten. 1935ean Kanadako Gobernadore Orokorra izendatu zuten.

Izenburua Urtea Argitaletxea (Londres)
Sir Quixote of the Moors 1895 T. Fisher Unwin
John Burnet of Barns 1898 John Lane
A Lost Lady of Old Years 1899 John Lane
The Half-Hearted 1900 Isbister
A Lodge in the Wilderness 1906 William Blackwood & Sons
Prester John 1910 T. Nelson Publishers
Salute to Adventurers 1915 T. Nelson Publishers
The Thirty-Nine Steps 1915 William Blackwood & Sons
The Power-House 1916 William Blackwood & Sons
Greenmantle 1916 Hodder & Stoughton
Mr Standfast 1918 Hodder & Stoughton
The Path of the King 1921 Hodder & Stoughton
Huntingtower 1922 Hodder & Stoughton
Midwinter 1923 Hodder & Stoughton
The Three Hostages 1924 Hodder & Stoughton
John Macnab 1925 Hodder & Stoughton
The Dancing Floor 1926 Hodder & Stoughton
Witch Wood 1927 Hodder & Stoughton
The Courts of the Morning 1929 Hodder & Stoughton
Castle Gay 1930 Hodder & Stoughton
The Blanket of the Dark 1931 Hodder & Stoughton
The Gap in the Curtain 1932 Hodder & Stoughton
The Magic Walking Stick 1932 Hodder & Stoughton
A Prince of the Captivity 1933 Hodder & Stoughton
The Free Fishers 1934 Hodder & Stoughton
The House of the Four Winds 1935 Hodder & Stoughton
The Island of Sheep 1936 Hodder & Stoughton
Sick Heart River 1941 Hodder & Stoughton


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
Izenburua Urtea Argitaletxea (Londres)
Scholar-Gipsies 1896 John Lane
A History of Brasenose College 1898 Robinson
The African Colony 1903 William Blackwood & Sons
The Law Relating to the Taxation of Foreign Income 1905 Stevens
Some Eighteenth Century Byways 1908 William Blackwood & Sons
Nine Brasenose Worthies 1909 Clarendon Press, Oxford
What the Home Rule Bill Means 1912 T. Nelson Publishers
Nelson's History of the War (24 volumes) 1914–19 T. Nelson Publishers
Britain's War by Land 1915 Oxford University Press, Oxford
The Achievement of France 1915 Methuen Publishing
Ordeal by Marriage 1915 Clay Publishing
The Future of the War 1916 Boyle, Sons & Watchurst
The Battle of the Somme, First Phase 1916 T. Nelson Publishers
The Purpose of War 1916 J. M. Dent & Sons
The Battle of Jutland 1916 T. Nelson Publishers
The Battle of the Somme, Second Phase 1917 T. Nelson Publishers
These for Remembrance 1919 Modu pribatuan argitaratua, Londres
The Island of Sheep 1919 Hodder & Stoughton
The Battle Honours of Scotland 1914–1918 1919 Outram
The History of the South African Forces in France 1920 T. Nelson Publishers
A History of the Great War 1922 T. Nelson Publishers
A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys 1922 T. Nelson Publishers
The Last Secrets 1923 T. Nelson Publishers
The Margins of Life 1923 Birkbeck College
Days to Remember 1923 T. Nelson Publishers
The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers 1678–1918 1925 T. Nelson Publishers
Two Ordeals of Democracy 1925 Houghton Mifflin, Boston, Mass
The Fifteenth (Scottish) Division 1914-1919 1926 William Blackwood & Sons
Homilies and Recreations 1926 T. Nelson Publishers
The Causal and the Casual in History 1929 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
The Kirk in Scotland, 1560-1929 1930 Hodder & Stoughton
Montrose and Leadership 1930 Oxford University Press, Oxford
The Novel and the Fairy Tale 1931 The English Association
Andrew Lang and the Borders 1932 Oxford University Press, Oxford
The Massacre of Glencoe 1933 Peter Davies
Gordon at Khartoum 1934 Peter Davies
The King's Grace 1935 Hodder & Stoughton
Naval Episodes Of The Great War 1938 T. Nelson Publishers
The Interpreter's House 1938 Hodder & Stoughton
Presbyterianism Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 1938 Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
Memory Hold-the-Door 1940 Hodder & Stoughton
Comments and Characters 1940 T. Nelson Publishers
Canadian Occasions 1940 Hodder & Stoughton
Izenburua Urtea Argitaletxea (Londres)
Sir Walter Raleigh 1897 Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
The Marquis of Montrose 1913 T. Nelson Publishers
Andrew Jameson, Lord Ardwall 1913 William Blackwood & Sons
Francis and Riversdale Grenfell: A Memoir 1920 T. Nelson Publishers
Lord Minto: A Memoir 1924 T. Nelson Publishers
The Man and the Book: Sir Walter Scott 1925 T. Nelson Publishers
Montrose 1928 T. Nelson Publishers
Sir Walter Scott 1932 Cassell
Julius Caesar 1932 Peter Davies
Oliver Cromwell 1934 Hodder & Stoughton
Augustus 1937 Hodder & Stoughton

Poesia bildumak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
Izenburua Urtea Argitaletxea (Londres)
The Pilgrim Fathers 1898 Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
Grey Weather: Moorland Tales of My Own People (Ipuinak barne) 1899 John Lane
The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies (ipuinak barne) 1912 W Blackwood & Sons
Poems: Scots and English 1917 T.C. & E.C. Jack

Ipuin bildumak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
Izenburua Urtea Argitaletxea (Londres)
Grey Weather: Moorland Tales of My Own People (poesia barne) 1899 John Lane
The Watcher by the Threshold, and other tales 1902 W Blackwood & Sons
The Moon Endureth: Tales and Fancies (poesia barne) 1912 W Blackwood & Sons
The Runagates Club 1928 Hodder & Stoughton
The Long Traverse 1941 Hodder & Stoughton
The Far Islands and Other Tales of Fantasy 1984 Donald M. Grant, Publisher, West Kingston, RI

Kanpo estekak

[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]